Enter the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows the brainchild of writer. Love is kind Love is patient. 23 Emotions People Feel But Can T Explain Funsubstance Words To Describe Love Words To Describe People Weird Words If you hate reaching the end of a book because you dont want to say goodbye to the characters then you can use this word to describe how you feel. . Compassion Communication Court Caring. People work through emotions by being able to identify them and use them as signals. Caring exhibiting and feeling concern and empathy for others. The eerie forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach usually when something romantic or cute takes place. The eerie forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling. Love fills life with happiness. Hope Hugs Honesty Hots for. The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during...